Digital Photography Blog

My blog for my Digital Photography class in high school, i'm not gonna post new stuff here, if you want to see new stuff it'd be on my Blog of Evil or the Council of Evil blog.

My Photo
Location: San Diego, California, United States

Sunday, November 29, 2009


All my posts before were for school but since I graduated from high school I'll be using this account for my group Council of Evil and myself. I mostly do videos and draw and go to cons and all that other stuff. I've been trying to upload stuff about video games to youtube but they are almost all boot legged. So one thing i'd like to ask people is how do you record games as a file so i don't have to use a camera to get video game videos. I have no idea about anime vids so i probably won't upload that kind of stuff unless i find a way to get anime footage too. Well just a heads up that all my posts were from school but i still enjoy photography so don't get the wrong idea.

This blog entry is brought to you by the Council of Evil.