Digital Photography Blog

My blog for my Digital Photography class in high school, i'm not gonna post new stuff here, if you want to see new stuff it'd be on my Blog of Evil or the Council of Evil blog.

My Photo
Location: San Diego, California, United States

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Natural Light Assignment 1

For my natural light picture I wanted to make it related to martial arts, since that is something I'm very passionate about. This is the first time I took a picture using professional equipment and I was very happy with the result. I thought of several different martial arts moves to use for this picture but I went with the sidekick. I saw an example of a martial arts photo in a book my teacher had so I thought of how that picture looked which is why I chose to make the picture black and white. I wanted to use someone regular looking so I asked one of my friends if I could pull him out of class to pose for me. I didn't plan the lighting, I just got lucky that it turned out so good.